POOL TECHNOLOGIE compatible electrolyser cell

POOL TECHNOLOGIE compatible electrolyser cell
Recommended retail price 2024 starting from :
369 €
Our Price starting from :
328 € Including VAT
Ref. Abatik 009379
Ref. Provider POOV2-MP-C2P_C
Cell compatible with POOL TECHNOLOGIE type 035 - 2 plates 220x50mm
BIO POOL replacement cells for POOL TECHNOLOGIE salt electrolysers, compatible with AUTOSALT, POOLSQUAD, JUSTSALT, MINISALT, GAMME HYDROSUD units
In stock
Cell compatible with POOL TECHNOLOGIE type 035 - 2 plates 220x50mm
Ref. Abatik 009379 Ref. Provider POOV2-MP-C2P_C
EUR 328
328 €
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Cell compatible with POOL TECHNOLOGIE type 055 - 3 plates 220x50mm
Ref. Abatik 009331 Ref. Provider POOV2-MP-C3P_C
EUR 364
364 €
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Cell compatible with POOL TECHNOLOGIE type 075 - 4 plates 220x50mm
Ref. Abatik 012642 Ref. Provider POOL075
EUR 419
419 €
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Cell compatible with POOL TECHNOLOGIE type 095 - 5 plates 220x50mm
Ref. Abatik 009322 Ref. Provider POOV2-MP-C5P_C
EUR 468
468 €
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Cell compatible withPOOL TECHNOLOGIE type 160 - 6 plates 220x50mm
Ref. Abatik 010035 Ref. Provider POOV2-MP-C6P_C
EUR 598
598 €
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BIO POOL replacement cells, made in France and compatible for the replacement of AUTOSALT, POOLSQUAD, JUSTSALT, MINISALT and GAMME HYDROSUD cells.

Details POOL TECHNOLOGIE compatible electrolyser cell

Manufacturers referenceN° electrodesSelf-cleaningDimensions electrodes L x w cm
Model 35LC2 platesyes220 x 50
Model 55LC-35ST-30ST3 platesyes220 x 50
Model 55ST-95LC-70ST4 platesyes220 x 50
Model 95ST-160LC5 platesyes220 x 50
Model 160ST-155ST6 platesyes220 x 50


2 years

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