Ovy Trefle dechlorination tablet

Ovy Trefle dechlorination tablet
Recommended retail price 2024 :
109 €
Our Price :
89 € Including VAT
Ref. Abatik 012170
Ref. Provider 395 100 010
Ovy Trèfle dechlorination tablets
EUR 89.00
Ecological product,
Contributes towards environmental friendliness,
Allows pool water to be recycled for other uses, such as watering,
Neutralises chlorine present in backwash water.
In stock
Ovy Trefle dechlorination tablet
Today environmental awareness is required in all aspects of everyday life. Attitudes have changed our habits to adapt to a new society. Each one of our actions is the occasion to go green.
Dechlorinating backwash water is a clear and simple example of an environmentally aware attitude, for two reasons:

• You ensure the de-pollution of your backwash water before it is rejected into the environment. Green

• This water can be used to water your garden. Economical

Dechlorinate your pool water

This is what Ovy Trefle dechlorination tablet offers. The use of the Ovy green dechlorination unit is required for the tablets use. 1 to 4 tablets should be used depending on the volume of water in your pool. The tablets are placed in the dechlorination unit.

The active compounds in the tablets will neutralise and capture chlorine present in the backwash water of your pool. You can then recuperate this water for various uses, such as watering your garden.

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Price incl. VAT

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