>> Automatic water treatment and products Dosing pumps and regulating units DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation

DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation

DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation
Recommended retail price 2024 :
3468 €
Our Price :
3468 € Including VAT
Ref. Abatik 009277
Ref. Provider 0110-607-90
LOGO VISUAL pH and Chlorine regulating system
EUR 3468.00
LOGO VISUAL automatically regulates pH and Chlorine
Measures and regulates precisely pH and chlorine
In stock
Efficient water treatment for spas and pools depends on two determining factors :
- The pH (potential of hydrogen)
Stabilising the pH level in your pool water is essential to keep water pure, healthy and limpid, offering maximum swimming comfort and efficiency for disinfecting treatments. Continuous variation of pH depends on the water type, climatical conditions, swimming frequency and chemical water treatment used. The combination of these factors can make successful pool water stabilisation a constraint.
It is, therefore, important to keep pool water pH at its ideal level of 7.2.

- Disinfecting treatment (for example, chlorine) will destroy algae, viruses, fungus, microorganisms....
Chlorine treatment is efficient and comfortable if correctly dosed. The amount of chlorine required depends on swimming frequency, weather conditions, the environment...

DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL automatic dosing measures the pH and chlorine level in the pool using pH and Redox probes which are connected to a microprocessor. Using this method, the pH and chlorine level is automatically regulated depending on the volume of your pool and filtration cycle duration.
If the pH or chlorine level is no longer within the programmed range, the dosing pump injects a proportional dose of correction liquid (pH+ or pH-) or liquid chlorine to the pool.
The LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine regulating unit show on its backlit, LCD display panel the different settings and menus of the unit.

DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL automatic pH and chlorine regulation

Compact analysis and regulating, commanded by an integrated microprocessor with pH and disinfectant (liquid chlorine) correction.
Highly performant automatic pH and chlorine correction : automatic dosing and correction depending on the volume of your pool and filtration cycle durations.
Precise pH regulation offers efficient water treatment and protects the pool equipment against corrosion.
Water treatment products are injected depending on the real needs of the pool (calculated by redox potential level measured in the pool water) by the integrated dosing pump ensuring optimal hygiene. The redox probe is very sturdy and requires no calibration (no maintenance).

An integrated dosing method is economic and compact. Dosing pumps enjoy a long lifespan, feature a stepper motor, ensure optimal adaptation for a dosing flow between 0,3 to 3 l/h, depending on the pools needs.
The dosing can be effectuated at a maximum back pressure of 1,5 bars.
DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation control panel

Digital backlit screen with menu guide. Automatic start temporisation between 0 - 25 min, water quality check, dosing time check, leak detection.
Measures pH and redox potential using probe housed in the analysing chamber.
Peristaltic dosing pump featuring stepper motor with bearing bracket, pipe connections 6/4 mm, security cut off, alarm display, modular pump capacity range 10 to 100%.
Integrated self-priming peristaltic dosing pumps for a maximum flow 3,0 l/h to 1,5 bars maximum.
The unit is pre-installed with factory settings, ready to wall mount and use, complete with connection kit.

LOGO VISUAL automatic pH and Chlorine features

Power supply
230 V +6 %/-10 %, 50/60 Hz
Consumed power
10 VA
80 mA
Protection index
IP 54
Dimensions of wall mounting plate (L x w x D)
420 x 330 x 8 mm
Weight of wall mounting plate with unit
4,1 kg
Admissible working temperature
0 to 50 °C
Admissible storage temperature
-20 to + 65 °C
Admissible ambient humidity %
90% maxi at 40 °C (no condensation)
pH electrode range
-5 °C to + 40 °C

Dosing pump

Pump tube
complete with 6/4 mm connections
3,0 l/h maximum, with maximum back pressure of 1,5 bars (adjustable from 10 to 100%)
Temporised start
Can be programmed from 0 to 25 minutes
alphanumeric 2 x 16 characters, backlit with LED signals
German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Czech, Romanian

PH regulation and unit measure

Mesuring pH
by probe housed in analysis chamber
Measuring range
0 to 14 pH
0,1 pH
Factory Pre-set range
7,2 pH (adjustable to : 6,5 - 8,5 pH)
Temperature compensation
28 °C
Manual with calibration solution between pH 7,0 and pH 4,0

Description of featured elements of the LOGO VISUAL pH and Chlorine dosing pump

Dimensions DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation
1. Concealing panel
2. Adjustment of disinfection working range +/-
3. LED signal showing disinfection range too high / ideal / too low
4. Digital display
5. LED signal showing pH range too high / ideal / too low
6. pH calibre 4/7
7. Concealing panel
8. pH analysing chamber
9. Redox probe
10. Analysing chamber support
11. Water return
12. Water inlet
13. Flow detector (floating)
14. pH dosing pump
15. Start / stop
16. SELECT – select a program
17. Disinfectant treatment dosing pump
18. Wall mounting plate 420 x 330 mm, pre-mounted and cabled

Installation schema for pH and Chlorine dosing pump LOGO VISUAL

Installation DINOTEC LOGO VISUAL pH and chlorine automatic regulation
1. Filtration pump
2. Filter
3. Electrical box
4. pH probe
5. Heating (on option)
6. Dosing pump
7. Supply dosing pump
8. Chemical products (pH liquid and liquid chlorine)
9. Discharge to pool
10. Suction to pool

Made in Germany

What is Redox ?

Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, bromine, ozone... All of these are oxidisable products. If you add an oxidisation product to your pool water, you obtain an oxidisation potential. The oxidisation potential is heightened with the quantity of oxidisation product added to water.
Opposed to potential reduction caused by impurities (bacteria, algae and other oxidisable substances).
The two potentials oppose (Oxydo-Reduction) and create the destruction of algae and bacterias.

The higher the redox potential, the faster the destruction of germs present in pool water.

When the pool oxidisation level (chlorine, bromine, etc.) is heightened, the redox potential is heightened. The goal is to obtain a high redox temperature with the measure levelled between 0 and 1000 mV.

Photos non-contractual
Price incl. VAT

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